Did you know that all “grants” require an application, be it a one page email request or 80+ page packet? I bet that you did not know that although MVP is an expert in the grants and applications development service field, we research and write grants at zero ($0) cost. We research, write and submit grants on your behalf and either for a flat nominal rate or percentage of the grant amount AND ONLY receive payment after you have been awarded grant funding. You cannot lose!
Next, applications are also required for a small business loan, community development project, 501c3 tax-exempt status, local, state and federal certification, economic development incentives, CDBG funding and so much more. It would be our pleasure to assist you to complete an application that provides your organization and business with a strategic advantage. For example, the IRS requires that organizations complete and submit 1023 applications and other documents in application for 501c3 tax-exempt status. And, small, woman and minority owned businesses that have a certification out perform those that do not? Here is a quick link that explains how the SBA’s HubZone Certification Program, which is solely location and employee driven versus race or gender, can provide your small business with a strategic advantage. The SBA has other certification programs that can assist your business; however, each requires an application.
Did you know that some federal government certifications allows corporations to subcontract jobs and or obtain products and services without a bid competition? MVP assists businesses to complete applications necessary to obtain local, state and federal certifications and so much more.
MVP’s niche is assisting small cities and towns and nonprofits identify and obtain grants or low-cost loan funding and write award winning applications. MVP assist nonprofits without 501c3 tax-exempt status by completing their 1023 applications for IRS tax-exempt status. Last but not least, MVP performs application development for corporations seeking tax credits, tax incentives and economic development financing.
MVP is a full service small business and application development consulting firm. You should give us a call at 270-839-3426 to at least have your questions answered. The call is also free!